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    What do I need to do after an accident?

    AThere are several steps you can take after an accident that improve your chances of getting the compensation due to you. Visit our blog for the Top 5 Things To Do After An Accident as well as the Top 5 Things NOT To Do After An Accident. Or contact us using our request form or at 928-532-0100 and we will be happy to help.
    Do I even need an attorney?

    AWhile every case is different, the reality is that an experienced attorney will nearly always increase the settlement benefits significantly for a variety of reasons. A good attorney will take care of the administrative headaches associated with a case, decrease the amount taken by third parties, and ultimately increase the amount of money/property recovered by their client. Call David Moore at 928-532-0100 to discuss your case details today and see how he can help.
    How do you determine who is at fault in a personal injury case?

    AFault (or liability) is found when the following conditions are met:

    There is proof that the victim is injured;
    The wrongdoer is negligent by failing to act with the level of care required by law;
    There is proof that your injuries were caused by the careless actions of said wrongdoer; and
    Liability may be determined on the grounds of negligence, intentional wrong or strict liability.

    We investigate your case thoroughly to determine liability. We can protect your rights if you are not at fault for your personal injury accident. Contact us at 928-532-0100 to start the process today.

    What is a statute of limitations?

    ASimply put, the Statute of Limitations is the time limit in which you can file a claim for damages after an accident occurs as dictated by state law. In Arizona, you have two years from the date of the accident to file a claim for most injury cases.

    To learn more about the Arizona Statute of Limitations, contact David Moore at Moore Law 928-532-0100, read our blog article, or fill out a Consultation Request Form.